Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Inconsistency . . .

Yes, I know... If you scroll down this blog you will notice how little I have posted, and how inconsistent I am when doing so. As a part of my struggle with perfection, I am trying to focus more on the small things - rather than the usual. Today, not being one of them. I am going to do be very best to post more, and hopefully share some honest and truthful day to day stories. Today, will most likely not be one of those! haha I poured my heart out to each of you yesterday, and I think I'm even more emotionally drained now then I was before! [In a good way of course]

I will say though, God is really one Awesome God! He has really provided for me during this [roller coaster of a ride] and really provided me with people to lean on, talk to and even hear encouragement from! Today, I am going to lunch with a girl whose blog I recently ran across from a friend. She and her husband are going through the adoption "journey" (as I prefer to call it - rather than process). They are adopting a sweet baby girl from Ethiopia. I don't even know her (at least not yet) and I'm so excited for them. As I've been reading on her blog, I hear the cries out for help and they struggle to raise money to bring their baby girl home. You see, as I've recently discovered, adopting a child (infant-toddler rather) can be anywhere from $8-$40, 000!!! This higher number can be mainly from adopting overseas. It just kills me inside seeing another family just want to give a loving home to a child who has nothing... and their battle be over money! I know they are hopeful and I know they have prayed and God has opened many doors for them. They have a list of friends and business owners who are donating proceeds towards their journey!

I am just in awe to read her blog and see how their journey is taking place. It excites me to think of what could soon be our future (one day hopefully), and even to see that when God's hand is in something - to see how He will bless something. If you are reading this and feel touched to help them out, even if that means $20 or $30 - I'm sure they would be eternally greatful. I don't feel she would mind, in fact I think she'd be happy to see the word being spread around even more.... go to her blog and you can read their story, and donate if you feel touched!

Thanks again for reading! Hopefully we'll be posting some pictures soon.... thats always my favorite part about blogging! Until then...

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