Monday, September 19, 2011

The post I've dreaded...

My heart is crumbled into a million pieces right now. After so much prayer, so much clarity, and so much perseverance & passion... we started planning our 1st trip to the DR Congo.  I was excited and pumped knowing we'd be traveling in March.  Unfortunately though, a LOT has changed within the last week.

Let me first start by saying... any of you who have donated to our trip through a portrait session or just monetary donation and would like it back - I won't be offended in ANY way.  Let me also say, the trip is NOT cancelled, it is simply going to be rescheduled.  Therefore, any session purchased on behalf of our trip fundraiser, or donation received... will still go to pay for mine & Richard's trip to the Congo.  At this time, we are just not 100% sure when that trip will be.

Now... back to the news.  The reason the trip is being rescheduled is because of quite a few details that are out of our hands.  Unfortunately, I took a leap a little too fast.  Me, being quite motivated and some days a little too passionate... I felt we could take on and tackle everything we needed to in the short amount of time given.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.  [insert pride]  I won't lie, this is sooooooo very hard to even have to announce this.  So many have been incredibly supportive, many prayers prayed, and so many have donated to us personally - to get us there.  We are still so VERY appreciate to all of you.

We ask that you continue to pray for us.  We WILL be going to Democratic Republic of Congo... it may not be until Fall of 2012 though.  We will just have to play our cards right and make sure we have everything properly lined up next time.

Again... please do not give up on us.  God has given us a HUGE task to take on and we still have a long way to go.  Will continue to support Voices 4 the Voiceless as we work hard to get this orphanage up and built?  Cookies 4 Congo... its almost that time and this is a HUGE way to get involved and help us reach that goal!  We CAN do it.... we CAN!

Cookies 4 Congo starts in 2 weeks!  Will you help us spread the word?  

Until then... Brantley


Wanda said...

Just remember God is in isn't about you or what you patient and listen for His voice and be ready to answer His call in His timing.

Bryan and Stacy said...

Praying for you!

Jonathan and Rachel said...

Just wanted you to know we are bummed with you about your trip being postponed...I know that's a huge disappointment for you guys. BUT we are still 100% behind you and know that God is going to use
V4V and this trip (whenever it happens) is a big way...praying for you guys!