Friday, July 1, 2011

Week of 'Oh My' Moments!

Yes, this has been the week of 'Oh My' moments for sure!  My baby girl not only started crawling a week or so ago... but she started doing this today!

She's been able to pull up on her knees for the past week or so... but suddenly I turned the corner and she was standing up by the ottoman trying to grab my Chickfila bag!  

Sorry sweetie... how about Sophie instead!  :)
And then later this afternoon... this is what she was doing!  Oh my, how fast you're growing up!

We've had quite a few other 'oh my' moments....

1) Replace plumbing under our house!  (not cheap)  We live in an old house, by the way!
2) Just got a bill after my car went in the shop... $640 worth of repairs, new brakes & such!
3) Richard's car needs a new transmission... $3,500!
4) 2 Emergency plumbing calls made on the weekends... $400 each.  :(
5) Bumb toe that left me sitting in the waiting room two different days, before finding out what was wrong!
6) Sick baby girl.... with the exception of her hospital stay at 4 weeks old... she has been a relatively healthy baby.  This is her first "sickness" if you will.  Sniffly nose, sneezing and LOTS of fussiness today.
7) And to top it all off... we now have NO sitter!

Lets just say... this week has NOT been good.  However... with all of these 'oh my' moments... I know that God is somewhere in the middle of this.  He's right here with us and only giving us more than we can handle.  Trust me... some moments I feel like giving up.  But I know that things will brighten up soon [I hope].  

The big question now... what is God trying to teach me through all of this?  By no means am I the best optimist, but I do try hard to be.  We've been praying hard this last month for God's will for our lives.  So many days we feel like He is trying to show us something... we're just not clear on what that is right now.  Maybe I'm not seeking Him hard enough?  Maybe He has shown me and I'm not responding?  I'm not sure to be honest, but I do know that I want whatever He wants for me!  I pray that my eyes will be opened and He will show me the way!

Is God trying to teach you something through the chaos is life?  Is He trying to open your eyes, and maybe you're just not responding?  

Until then... Brantley

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